Upon starting your Tamer adventure you’re given the choice of one of seven Starter Nexomon, each representing the elemental types present within the game: normal, water, fire, mineral, wind, electric and plant.
Let’s have a look at them now, and how they’ll evolve as you journey with them:

Element: Normal
First up we have Vulazy, an extremely lazy Nexomon that clearly likes to take it easy. This fox creature spends its days resting, hoping that someday it’ll have the motivation to get up and do something productive… Fingers crossed, it’ll wake up before the battle begins!
At level 16, it evolves into Vulpep. After finally growing, it’s found its motivation and has got a little pep in its step! This Nexomon is far more energetic and passionate about its goals than it’s pre-evolution.
Finally at level 32, it’s going to evolve into Kitsunox, the warrior Nexomon. Vulpep’s hardwork has finally paid off, paving the way for this fighter to make an impact in your battles. It is definitely worth considering for your roster.

Element: Water
Bevy is a pretty simple creature. It’s a cute little beaver Nexomon that is sure to make your heart melt, spending its time building dams with its family. Don’t be fooled by the cuteness! Bevy isn’t afraid to sink its teeth into the competition.
At level 16 it will evolve into Barver. Barver is a clear example of the Bevy line’s “awkward teen” phase. It generally tries to revel by venturing away from the dam sometimes causing it to get lost.
Bedam is the final stage of Bevy, evolving at level 30. It’s worked out its rebellious phase, looking a lot less edgy. It’s very powerful, being able to lift large pieces of wood to build dams for it and its friends.

Element: Fire
What does a Sprunk have in common with a scented candle? They can both burn you, and they both stink. Considering it’s a fiery starter, they are relatively docile creatures. Watch out for their stink pouch, which they utilize alongside their fire abilities to escape threatening situations.
It evolves into Expunk at level 17. Much like it’s pre-evolution, Expunk are also very docile creatures. However, they rely on their fire power and will stand their ground when provoked. Be sure not to get on their bad side!
Get Expunk to level 34, and it will evolve into Fetidoom. Fetidoom have full confidence in their power and abilities. While they won’t go out of their way to attack, if provoked they’ll incinerate their targets accordingly. Oh… and they smell VERY bad.

Element: Mineral
A bulky Yeti Nexomon with a powerful monobrow and rock-solid constitution, Blizo is a Nexomon that lives in the cold mountains of the frozen tundra. It’s said to be very territorial, a little slow but can really pack a punch!
At level 16 it evolves into Blizbrow. After many battles won, it evolves to further adapt to its environment. The size of its eyebrow represents the number of battles won, and the time it’s spend defending its territory.
After enough fighting and eyebrow growth, Blizloo emerges at level 36. Blizloo is the result of years of training at the peak of the cold mountains in complete isolation. It’s large chest muscles represent the dedication to its resolve, and it’s sure to be a rock for your team to rely on.

Element: Wind
The wind type starter line starts with Fethra, the mythical flying serpent. They’re said to be extremely elusive, to the point some people doubt their existence. With devastating wind attacks, their speed and agility are unmatched – get ready to blow the competition away!
Fethra evolves into Tempestra at level 16. It has no problem decimating its enemies with the full force of a small tornado. A master of the winds, they’re able to create small storm systems in their wake.
Finally, at level 32, it evolves into Draclon. Thought to live within the eye of a storm, Draclone are thought to be Draconian wind gods, who can easily use their wind to cut through metal like butter. These creatures won’t attack, unless provoked, so be sure to keep them happy.

Element: Electric
A zippy Nexomon that’s just brimming with energy, Vellokitti is the fastest of the starter Nexomon, utilizing its lightning to boost its speed in battle. Maybe if you ask nicely it’ll charge your electronics for you?
At level 14 it’ll evolve into Acca. Acca is a very energetic Nexomon who spends a lot if its time trying to hook itself up to various electrical sources to boost its own power.
Jeeta is the pinnacle of speed. Evolving at level 36, it can travel at near jet speeds completely blowing away its opponents. Unsurprisingly, they love thunderstorms.

Element: Plant
And finally, the last starter of the bunch is the plant type line starting with Petril. A reptile-like Nexomon with a cute flower accessory, Petril is the result of an unknown lizard creature fusing with a mysterious type of flower. Watch out for the pollen count – Petril uses plant life to tangle up his opponents.
After evolving at level 17, enter Frillia; the flower and lizard have grown more accustomed to each other, and have further fused into a formidable, flower-wielding foe.
Corozard is the final evolution and final Nexomon on this list, evolving from Frillia at level 36. The fusion has finally led to one creature, gaining greater abilities with its link to the flowers and fauna.

Well, now that you’ve seen their evolutions, which one of our starter Nexomon will you choose? Whichever one it is, I have a feeling that this is just the start of your journey…
For more information on each Nexomon, their evolutions, and the world of Nexomon, check out some content from our fantastic community:
Here is Gym Leader Ed, with his own starter breakdown for you to enjoy:
For more great information, check out his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/GymLeaderEd
Special thanks to Gym Leader Ed